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Incongnito - unbiased recruitment
Listing page of open positions
Incognito - unbiased recruitment
Incognito is a recruiting portal that seeks to make applying for a job as neutral and fair as possible. The portal eliminates information such as name, gender, ethnicity and age in order to put 100% focus on competence and technical skills.
Incognito is meant to be used as a tool for both job applicants and employers who wants to make a social difference.
The concept was developed during 24 hours as a contribution to the hackathon Hack for Sweden, Stockholm 2015 and uses open source data from Arbetsförmedlingen and SCB.
The project was created in cooperation with Alice Lundin, Kajsa Fredriksson Franzen and Therese Komstadius.
Focus areas: ideation, product design, UI/UX-design.
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